We perform a thorough hearing evaluation (in office or in home) that includes air and bone conduction as well as speech recognition/reception testing. We offer video otoscopy and Apple Thunderbolt technology that allows us to bring you one of the highest quality digital images of the ear canal available in the entire area.
Then, based on your audiogram results and your physical and financial needs, we customize a hearing aid solution from our wide variety of product lines (11 major brands). We will also place orders outside of our main product lines at the patient's request (at no additional cost to the patient).
Our prices are very competitive, and all hearing aid purchases include complimentary batteries and follow up visits for the life of the product warranty. All our solutions come with a 60-day money back guarantee and personalized service to ensure that your solution is the best fit for your physical and financial needs.
Besides the sales and service of major hearing aid manufacturers, we also perform:
- Clean and Checks of any Hearing Aid Brand: This involves maintenance of hearing aids that needs to be performed on a regular basis to extend their life and peak performance. Cleaning, wax removal, battery change.
- Tube a/o Wire Changes for any Hearing Aid Brand
- In Warranty Repairs for any Hearing Aid Brand
- Out of Warranty Repairs for any Hearing Aid Brand
- Custom Earmolds for any BTE Hearing Aid
- Complete shell modification services lab now on site. Services include:
- Cracked shell repair
- Hole repair
- Addition or replacement of removal line
- Addition or replacement of retention system
- Vent modification
- Shell re-sizing and comfort modifications
- Also offering ultrasonic cleaning for molds and plugs!
your hearing aid needs